Boehner seemed to mistake a news conference for a group therapy session yesterday when he proclaimed that it hurt his feelings to be called “spineless or a squish,” but said being called “the establishment” was worse.
What does this man expect to be called when he’s the first to bend over for every unconstitutional action Obama shoves up America’s backside?
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I guess the truth hurts $#%&!@*head!
How about a ” spineless squish douche bag weenie ” ???
Truth hurts doesn’t it? If you hadn’t caved to ovomit so many times in the last 7 years maybe people would give you a littl respect. But then you haven’t EARNED it and you never lived up to your oath of office! Get out before the revolution comes and you might live a little longer
Slow news day? This is an old story!
Put the jelly fish back in the ocean. He is not standing tall when we need him to stand tall!! He is a spineless jelly fish.
You’re an insult to spineless squishes everywhere. Lay off the estrogen, you’re too pickled to handle it.
Then grow some!
Then resign you big puss……..vacate the chair……you’re helping destroy our country.
Spineless. ..