Boehner seemed to mistake a news conference for a group therapy session yesterday when he proclaimed that it hurt his feelings to be called “spineless or a squish,” but said being called “the establishment” was worse.
What does this man expect to be called when he’s the first to bend over for every unconstitutional action Obama shoves up America’s backside?
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Poor Baby !!!!!!!
If it walks like a duck……………..
Then Pull Your Tidy Whitey’s Up And Do What We Put You There To Do!!!!!
Spades are spades !!!!!!!!!!
Then man up and stand up to the president you wimpy
Afraid if the truth. I guess truth hurts.
if the shoe fits wear it —- spineless sorry excuse of a representation of the people — bet you even polish odumba’s shoes — you forgot long ago just who you work for
Poor baby.
Poor bone head, you have no feelings, if you did you wouldn’t cozy up to your buddy obummer.
You are a big $#%&!@* get lost bone head