Boehner seemed to mistake a news conference for a group therapy session yesterday when he proclaimed that it hurt his feelings to be called “spineless or a squish,” but said being called “the establishment” was worse.
What does this man expect to be called when he’s the first to bend over for every unconstitutional action Obama shoves up America’s backside?
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If the shoe fits…
It’s all we have known from him which is sad because when he became speaker people had high hopes for this guy.
First you have to have some type of Back bone, and be truthful with the people that put you in office. before you can be called a Man.
Boo hoo
Resign …. Just a brain dead politician.
Then DON’T be spineless and DO YOUR JOB! And by the way, quit sucking up to the usurping Kenyan in the White House.
If it walks like a duck……………..!
How about , Coward , or TRAITOR ?
Boehner is a puppet for Obozo.