After breaking numerous promises and aligning himself with such issues as amnesty and waffling on Planned Parenthood or government shut down, John Boehner finds himself nearing the point of being voted out as leader.
There are enough GOP votes to possibly remove him. His precarious situation is outlined on the next page:
Hell they are all worried about it thats way they don’t want Trump in there,
WAY overdue!
I hope so this guy is a turncoat!
replace the whole bunch of them. every one should be fired and new faces,with at least some intellegence, put in their places. i’m disgusted with all of them.
This is Obama boy.KICK out of office to day.
This is the all talk no action Trump is making waves about. Nothing is going to get done in DC except more massive spending and debt piling up on the backs of taxpayers until all the career criminal politicians are ousted and replaced with real public servants who want what’s best for America. Trump 2016
Get rid of this spineless pos! Trey Gowdy for speaker!
he does need to go but alas he wont
Is NOT doing what he was re-elected to do