After breaking numerous promises and aligning himself with such issues as amnesty and waffling on Planned Parenthood or government shut down, John Boehner finds himself nearing the point of being voted out as leader.
There are enough GOP votes to possibly remove him. His precarious situation is outlined on the next page:
get rid of these assclowns
Please get him out of the speakers chair
Him and McConnell had their chance to dom their jobs and at least try to stop Oasswipes lawlessness but they didn’t so, they both need to go away.
Really? Does anything happen anymore to our dirty politicans? Obama should be impeached, he and his staff have conspired and lied much more than Nixon. Even in Nixon’s admin Hillary Clinton was outed as a liar and cheat.
It can not be fast enough…This guy is a worn snake traidor to America…
the sooner the better
it’s about time.
He should be in jail
Good bye
Good he is a traitor