After breaking numerous promises and aligning himself with such issues as amnesty and waffling on Planned Parenthood or government shut down, John Boehner finds himself nearing the point of being voted out as leader.
There are enough GOP votes to possibly remove him. His precarious situation is outlined on the next page:
he can go drink on his own money from now on!
Kick the drunkard out .
The sooner he and his RINO counterpart in the Senate are ousted, the better the USA will be…and take the rest of the RINO’s with ya’!
If they dont stand for God and israel they should get kicked out lol auctually be killed!
All politicians face a real possibility of an ouster, It’s commonly called an election. This situation would be better titled an internal revolt.
Needs to b in jail.
ho[e so, he sold us out!
Turncoat……go jump off of a bridge.
I doubt it this is just like those posts where obama is getting impeached