Hillary Clinton’s recent bizarre forced crazy-eyed interviews have got many people talking. We already know this swamp monster is incapable of telling the truth or leaving a widely alleged sexual predator.
But, what else is hiding behind her recent stomach-churning behavior? Even a few “progressive” news stations have started pointing out they find her presence unsettling.
More than just being a drunk, or a horrible stiff human being, her mannerisms seem more indicative of her self-admitted “voodoo” practices.
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Loses all the time…now it’s her mind?
Hillary is a certifiable loon.
Just lock old Hillary up already
How can you tell? She lost her mind shortly after she lost her soul.
Bretbart are pussies . Printing lies.
Bitch is slap$#%&!@*crazy
to she looks insane
put a god damned fork in her she was done when they shoved her into an ambulance /van 9/11/26….crazy is as crazy does.
A person can lie with words, but not with their body language!
We know how ruthlessly ambitious at any cost the Clintons all three are