Hillary Clinton’s recent bizarre forced crazy-eyed interviews have got many people talking. We already know this swamp monster is incapable of telling the truth or leaving a widely alleged sexual predator.
But, what else is hiding behind her recent stomach-churning behavior? Even a few “progressive” news stations have started pointing out they find her presence unsettling.
More than just being a drunk, or a horrible stiff human being, her mannerisms seem more indicative of her self-admitted “voodoo” practices.
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She’s an evil psycho bi**h
mind , she really has one
If she was smart she would have crawled into her stolen money and stayed out of the limelight but because she’s so humble. She couldn’t. Now she could be and should be facing prison Greed is her major being
We dodged a BIG BULLET!!!!
Didn’t they just
She’s fucking insane!
You have made enough money off of the tax payers!! You and your husband have done enough damage along with your girls, Abedien, Schultz and Michelle , hang with them and see what happens!
To bad half the population can’t see it. But then again people tend to believe what they want to believe
Love the commentary on the video!