Hillary Clinton’s recent bizarre forced crazy-eyed interviews have got many people talking. We already know this swamp monster is incapable of telling the truth or leaving a widely alleged sexual predator.
But, what else is hiding behind her recent stomach-churning behavior? Even a few “progressive” news stations have started pointing out they find her presence unsettling.
More than just being a drunk, or a horrible stiff human being, her mannerisms seem more indicative of her self-admitted “voodoo” practices.
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This is pretty much the feelings of all the far Left.
Zombie queen! run everybody run!
She was meant to ensure Oboma,s anti American edicts, would stand. Sorry Oboma and Clinton, God,s people stood in the gap and God answered.
Listen to this, PLEASE read this. It’s what’s happening. Follow the money, THE CLINTON FOUNDATION.
Ernie Komarek
Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis on the writings of Soul Alinsky. Barack Obama wrote about him in his books. The writings of Saul Alinsky, educated at the University of Chicago, influenced radical liberals who seek political control today. His books include “Rules for Radicals” and “Reveille for Radicals”.
Alinsky says there are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you can create a social state:
1. Control health care and you control the people.
2. Increase the poverty level. Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you give them everything they need to live.
3. Increase the debt to an unsustainable level.
4. Remove the ability of the people to defend themselves. Take their guns so you can create a police state.
5. Welfare – Control every aspect of the people’s lives (food, housing, income)
6. Control the education system, what they read and listen to.
7. Remove the belief in God from the government and schools.
8. Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Tax the wealthy to support the poor. (social engineering)
9. Own and control all media to disallow opposing ideas.
10. Use all the different forms of media to control civilian thought.
Does any of this sound familiar. This is just a simplified version of Lenin’s scheme for world conquest by communist Russian rule. Stalin called his converts “Useful Idiots”. Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they seized control and it’s happening right now in the U.S. “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere”. Beware of the Useful Idiot.
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When she opens her mouth
to attack, CREATE FEAR &
DIVISION it is very sick.
Revaluation of a train wreck!!!!!
You want to see the inner workings of Hillary’s mind? Go take a big dump in the toilet then watch it flush!
Thank God she is not our President!