Big government is never the answer to big questions. Obamacare was rammed down the throats of the American people by Senate Democrats, who voted 100% approval against 0% Republican Senate votes, in spite of the fact that polls of the American people showed a decisive rejection of the plan. Democrats themselves admitted they did not know what was in the plan, how it would work, and what it would cost. Subsequent disclosures show that Obama and his administration lied about what it would cost, and that the only way they could get buy-in was to lie. The blatant misrepresentation by Obama stating that American families would save $2,500 per year in medical premiums and that families would be able to keep their doctors and their medical plans if they preferred was also recognized from the very beginning to be false, and should be a prosecutable offense, given the pain, suffering and cost it has caused the American people.
The problem is that once a government program is launched, no matter how ineffective or how big a failure, it only grows. Obamacare is even worse in that the cost my be so high and the failure so deep that it will collapse under its own weight. Of course rather than letting the free market repair the damage, you can be sure that Democrats will double down and insist that what is really needed is a single payer system where the people have no choice and government will control all health care in this country. We already see with the scandal plagued Veterans Hospital disaster that government is definitely not the answer if we want affordable and effective medical care, but that will not change Democrats pushing for a state run solution.
More on Obamacare failures, page 2:
The problem is as usual. ..the media doesn’t tell the whole story….they keep yelling 24 million Americans that now have insurance through Obama care will no longer be insured. …they don’t tell anyone that this last year…over 14 million dropped their insurance and applied for hardship and 6.2 couldn’t afford it and opted to pay the penalty….so that’s 20 million working Americans that have had to drop their coverage to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table for 24 million non workers to have insurance.
They need to go fckin screw!!!
Thank the Republicans
I think what alarmed me the most is that something like 80 or 800 billiion (I can’t remember the exact number, but after 1 billion, what does it matter?) Was taken from social security to fund this. Did anyone realize this?
The main reason democrats lost power over the last 6 years….let it stay to hurt more people and mid terms will be a Republican landslide….then there will be enough votes to completely repeal it.
I can hold my head high because I didn’t vote for him either time. I was amazed that he won a second term.
Unless the government wants to give everyone free health care, they should never have gotten involved. But, since Obummer was intent on having a legacy, he started a perk that can’t be sustained. Our government needs to cut some of the free rides out instead of adding to them.
Blue Cross was the last insurance I had. When my premium went to $650 a month, I had to drop my insurance. I couldn’t use it when it was $400 because the deductible was too high. After I paid the premium, there wasn’t anything left over for a deductible.
In order for health insurance for everyone to work and for everyone to have a fair deal, it would cost the government billions of dollars a year. Don’t blame Obummer’s mess on anyone but him and his DemocRAT followers. He’s the one who started this mess and his cronies backed him up. None of them would vote for Ryan’s healthcare plan. While it wasn’t great, it sure beat Obummer No Care.