Big government is never the answer to big questions. Obamacare was rammed down the throats of the American people by Senate Democrats, who voted 100% approval against 0% Republican Senate votes, in spite of the fact that polls of the American people showed a decisive rejection of the plan. Democrats themselves admitted they did not know what was in the plan, how it would work, and what it would cost. Subsequent disclosures show that Obama and his administration lied about what it would cost, and that the only way they could get buy-in was to lie. The blatant misrepresentation by Obama stating that American families would save $2,500 per year in medical premiums and that families would be able to keep their doctors and their medical plans if they preferred was also recognized from the very beginning to be false, and should be a prosecutable offense, given the pain, suffering and cost it has caused the American people.
The problem is that once a government program is launched, no matter how ineffective or how big a failure, it only grows. Obamacare is even worse in that the cost my be so high and the failure so deep that it will collapse under its own weight. Of course rather than letting the free market repair the damage, you can be sure that Democrats will double down and insist that what is really needed is a single payer system where the people have no choice and government will control all health care in this country. We already see with the scandal plagued Veterans Hospital disaster that government is definitely not the answer if we want affordable and effective medical care, but that will not change Democrats pushing for a state run solution.
More on Obamacare failures, page 2:
I didn’t have any choice but to bail out. I couldn’t use it when I was paying premiums because the deductible was too high. It was all I could do to keep the premiums paid. Dropped 3 years in a row and premiums jumped to over $650 a month (for just me). I simply couldn’t pay that.
Dustin Bertsch I could have bought a house for what my premium was.
This has been building up for decades and Obama was recruited by Soros and others years ago and they planted him in the White House to destroy America and bring in refugees and Muslims to build the democratic vote to take over. Sad for everyone who cares. I was fortunate to turn 65 last year , I worked for
40 years ,self employed and they are still digging for more taxes and they are forcing us and spying on us.
Only $250 for private insurance? My so-called Affordable Care was over $650 a month just for me. Then, we had hubby’s Medicare in addition to that. Less than $24,000 yearly income.
Just pass it, then read it. That worked out, didn’t it!
Obama Care is a dying mule!
Trump should just let it die and resubmit and give another idea a chance. Two months is too short a time to redo any important medical care help. Maybe Trump is right about having many Insurance companies vie for better or cheaper Insurances. Maybe just facilities for ONLY those on the dole or similar ways like the “old” days with Hospitals for the poor or homeless. Many clinics are popping up as mini care clinics too.
Many countries have free medical care, but they are like the Vet Hospitals! Long waits for appointments and when you get there too! Many countries decide when to get surgeries instead of needed one today. That is why so many come to USA for care!
Just need to wait and see what next!
That’s all???
Of course they are! Ovomitcare is going to explode! Trump right again, but we all knew that when it was put in place!!!!!!!
One of my relatives in NC couldn’t afford the premium of $1900 a month & a deductible of $10,000 so she took the penalty on her taxes for 2016 of $1991.00! This is such b******t!