Big government is never the answer to big questions. Obamacare was rammed down the throats of the American people by Senate Democrats, who voted 100% approval against 0% Republican Senate votes, in spite of the fact that polls of the American people showed a decisive rejection of the plan. Democrats themselves admitted they did not know what was in the plan, how it would work, and what it would cost. Subsequent disclosures show that Obama and his administration lied about what it would cost, and that the only way they could get buy-in was to lie. The blatant misrepresentation by Obama stating that American families would save $2,500 per year in medical premiums and that families would be able to keep their doctors and their medical plans if they preferred was also recognized from the very beginning to be false, and should be a prosecutable offense, given the pain, suffering and cost it has caused the American people.
The problem is that once a government program is launched, no matter how ineffective or how big a failure, it only grows. Obamacare is even worse in that the cost my be so high and the failure so deep that it will collapse under its own weight. Of course rather than letting the free market repair the damage, you can be sure that Democrats will double down and insist that what is really needed is a single payer system where the people have no choice and government will control all health care in this country. We already see with the scandal plagued Veterans Hospital disaster that government is definitely not the answer if we want affordable and effective medical care, but that will not change Democrats pushing for a state run solution.
More on Obamacare failures, page 2:
Here we go.
You would be fined if you don’t have Obamacare.
It’s got to be placed out of reach. You can thank Nancy Pelosi, who said just pass it. We can read it later. Big mistake for sure!
tells us anything? i’m sure the rhinos and liberals will vote yes on this one. this way they can keep their kickbacks
Let’s not replace it before it explodes. The death of Obamacare will be totally on the democrats.
Don’t know what the government is trying to do to us, can’t be uninsured or you get in trouble for being uninsured.
This is what a Democratic win looks like…Aetna is to leave at the end of the year…congratulations to the winners.
That would be true if obamacare would survive and currently the bill to modify certain parts of Obama care was taken off the floor for a vote on friday because paul ryan knew there wouldn’t be enough votes for it . Obama care is standing on very weak legs as it stands now due to funding and insurance companies refusing to offer it.
The Dems didn’t care 7 years ago because their end game was “Single Payer”. They were so cocky and never thought they would not be in power in 2017. They figured they could let it collapse on itself and them tell the county we needed to go to single payer. Now that the Dems are on the outside looking in, they own the worst law ever written for the USA.
Gruber said the American people are stupid. That’s why they wrote the law so screwed up, so it was interwoven into almost everything we do.
I say, let it explode and let the Dems take the hit.
Thanks to the left that calls this a victory to the American people. Hope the Dems wake up to this lying administration. Trump is right the Obama care will come back to haunt them.