Kevin Dupre, a cop from Cleburne, Texas was caught on video calling over what appeared to be a cheerful, playful dog in order to execute it.
The cops told the owner that the dog was growling at officers, which prompted the killing. Of course the owners vehemently denied. When they petitioned for the video you see below, it became obvious that the Dupre simply execute the dog for no reason.
There is a petition online you can sign in order to have this blood lustful cop terminated. Click HERE.
He hasn’t been fired already?
What an idiot!
Killing an innocent dog
He should be stripped of his job and never be allowed to carry a gun
This is so wrong! Mean and cruel!
Need to weed out these type of cops, they are giving good cops a bad name.
cant fire him bad cops are protected by there union reps.
This is where you wish a vicious dog had attacked him. Nothing like making up stories and not caring about the end result.
I agree with Dawn!!! That was out and out MEAN!!!!
This asshole needs to be fired and charged wiht animal cruelty and jailed.
this is the type people who should’t carry a gun. but should be put away for medical help, forced if need be. they are a danger to society.
They wont do anything to this guy but they should….thats murder. This guy has no business having kids this guy has no business on the street carrying a gun. And they call this guy law enforcement? He should be in cuffs but there brotherhood means he will be protected but you cant say that for this poor dog. This dude if he wasnt a adrenaline driven killer of dogs probably couldnt hold a job sweepping a grocery store floor. Get a life gun toting insult to law enforcement !