Austria, once a place where women had the freedom and safety to come and go as they please, are now warned by police that they should not be out after 8 p.m., should dress modestly and dye their blond hair to blend in with the Muslim sharia culture.
The blond student, Sabina, waiting for her train, was approached by a middle eastern man, who spoke to her in a foreign language. He put his hands through her blond hair and intimated that in his culture there were few blonds. He left momentarily after being told by Sabina to leave.
The Muslim man returned with three other men who surrounded her, pushed her to the ground, stole her handbag with her cards and then proceeded to beat her, leaving her alone on the train platform.
Read the how the police did nothing for her protection, except warning her to dye her hair and dress modestly on the next page.
If they are supposed to be banned, why are they still here??!! A reminder: **********Retired Lieutenant General William Boykin posted the following expose of what Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood is attempting to do:
“Sharia Law is a very serious threat in America. We are being invaded by a group of people who see it as their absolute imperative to establish a legal system in America which will in fact destroy our Constitution and be replaced with this thing called Sharia Law! He (Boykin) has declared that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government at the highest levels in the Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security, both Republican and Democratic parties, and virtually all prominent branches of US government. ‘If Americans only took time to do the proper research and find out just how deep this infiltration into our govt is it would just frighten you!’
So we have a Muslim president that’s destroying the country with his (pen and phone), and he’s got his counterparts set up all over our government. This is not just Obama, this is a well thought out plan to, as the Muslim Brotherhood has already declared, DESTROY AMERICA FROM WITHIN!
They are winning folks! People have got to wake up here, but sadly most still can’t believe it can happen to the most powerful country in the world. This type of denial displays the utmost ignorance of history!”**********
Police saying such are not oath keepers …but rather$#%&!@*colusional traitors
How about just shoot the filthy muslim pig
wrong protect your people start moving these people out.
How to make a muslime….
Bullets for muzzies who attack Americans!
Remember people HILLARY AND BERNIE WANT TO LET THEM ALL IN! Trump wants to close borders.and deport!
I have a novel idea. They’ll the Muslim MEN they aren’t in a MUSLIM COUNTRY anymore, and to RESPECT women or go back home.
so, tell me everyone who is bothered by this……normal citizens in “free” countries are being accosted by immigrants for doing nothing but going about their business and they are told to change instead of the immigrants being arrested for breaking the law of the country with deportation a real possibility? I see something very, very amiss with this repeatedly occurring…do you?