Ken Aderholt’s home on his range in Harrold, Texas is being stolen from him by the BLM. His property that was passed down from his grandparents is in jeopardy.
The BLM has told Aderholt that his deed is worthless, but they have not told him exactly for what they need the 600 acres, they are just going to take it.
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Justine Balli, I don’t know but they had better do their job because if they don’t, Texans will! BLM land grabs are happening in many states. It’s time to put a stop to it!
You are obviously speaking in a hypothetical sense. Because that surely isn’t the way things are !
Shoot anyone stepping onto Private property. Don’t allow goverment to take anything . Kill an agent and I bet it end. We have to start putting goverment back in its place at all costs
Martial law cannot successfully take place until the people are disarmed. Hold on to your guns/ammo!
Totally unconscionable!
Place placards all over the outside edge of your land that says land mines present this is notice to all that try to enter this land you have been warned. Then go around the land and bury bear traps. Foot traps snares ect.
BLM should not control land.
They are destroying all free food and taking any land near rivers that can support growing of crops you better believe they are wanting all land to stop you from growing food.
Your next
Bundy kept his ranch because armed patriots from around the country showed up to defend him and his land! We knew the BLMs back tax scheme was a lie!