Ken Aderholt’s home on his range in Harrold, Texas is being stolen from him by the BLM. His property that was passed down from his grandparents is in jeopardy.
The BLM has told Aderholt that his deed is worthless, but they have not told him exactly for what they need the 600 acres, they are just going to take it.
Haven’t had your allotted dose of infuriation? Read more on page 2.
I don’t care who they are
all the blm does is steal and control and destroy this is nothing new that is what they have always done
Full blown tyranny.
Welcome to Obama’s communist America.
Government thieves!
This fed overreach is sickening! Impeach Obummer now!!
Obama wants it for Muslims and Isis wake up someone needs to shoot this sob.
blm is a hideous organization and harry reid is part of it, with his buddies and family. they also kill the wild horses that are supposed to be being protected and nurtured, round them up and sell them for food to france. the organization should be dis-membered and started over by real people with real intelligence and morality. blm is awful
Welcome to Obama’s America.
Abolish the BLM. Problem solved.