Ken Aderholt’s home on his range in Harrold, Texas is being stolen from him by the BLM. His property that was passed down from his grandparents is in jeopardy.
The BLM has told Aderholt that his deed is worthless, but they have not told him exactly for what they need the 600 acres, they are just going to take it.
Haven’t had your allotted dose of infuriation? Read more on page 2.
Stand your ground!
call the governor he will put a stop to this c**p this is Texas oath keeps will help just call them and the Texas militia they stand with the governor of Texas do it now not 2 morrow
How do they have any rights to it?!?!!! This is a lie!!!!!
BLM is a group of gangsters!!!
Speak for yourself! I for one will stand my ground and many others with me!
He who has the gold makes the rules. The only exception to that is: A nation of armed citizens can successfully defy though gold girding tyrants!
Happening in CA big time.. I hope this owner gets the governor help cause he sure going to need Texas help. You’re right Texas especially won’t put up with this b.s. regardless. I’ll be following this story.
A wise historian once said: “if a politician send a solider to confiscate your fire arms kill the soldier and if possible kill the politician that sent him. All history reveals the number of victims far outnumber the number of tyrants, sooner or later you will run out of tyrants!” This historian is right on target!
Me to and we need to share it with everyone, alert the public!
We as Americans can not allow the BLM come in and just take peoples land. We may have to Elect these peoples replacements. May be we can redirect BLM by firing those who over reach their power.