The Bundy Ranch siege by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is just one of many actions by the agency, which seems to seek control over large portions of private and state lands all over the country. A rancher in Texas is being told that his land, on the border between Texas and Oklahoma, 130 acres which has been in his family for nearly 100 years, has been taken from him, despite all the taxes and fees he’s paid over the years.
The BLM now claims authority over his land, but nobody can give him any idea why.
Is this another Bundy Ranch situation brewing?
Watch below and be sure to share this developing story with friends and help expose these BLM tactics.
Source: On The Record
Photo: RedFlagNews
Madeline, I know you are taking a lot of heat on this post today.. I want to be the first to say THANK YOU… You are the most transparent Liberal I have ever seen. You are, as you put it proud and not afraid to say it! I just wish all the other liberal freak shows were as honest. It truley is hard to convince people how demented the left is and in one post you show the WHOLE world how evil your party really is. Your party hides behind lies and manipulations to deceive low information voters.. I am not saying you are a low information voter.. More like a NO information voter… Anyway, I don’t mean to interrupt you as you vomit all over the place.. Carry on. The GOP should give you an award at the national conference.. Madeline Pelland, “the most honest and transparent mouth piece for Dirty Harry Greed on the Planet. This award is presented to you for your actions in removing the looney liberals from office! IF YOU ARE FOR IT, Every sane person is against it! THANK YOU!
The power to govern needs to go back to the states. The federal gestapho needs to stay in DC.
Don’t mess with Texas
I wrote about this when the Bundy ranch situation first began. Before the Bundy dispute began, the BLM had taken away acres from at least one rancher and has plans to take many more, it has been dubbed the oklahoma/texas border dispute. @ Madeline, what was done to and taken from the native Indians, of what is now America, was an atrocity. You are correct in saying that the native Indians are the only true original “non-immigrants”, but you are wrong in saying that everyone who immigrated here did it “illegally”. Once the laws of immigration into America were established, the people who did it properly were still immigrants but not “illegal”. Anyone born here is a true native too.
The Feds always have reason, never any good!
Don’t tread on us will have mucho teeth in that snake head I would not want to be on the wrong side
they ont be happy till they can sell off the country to the Chinese
reid and his son with chinahave been at work getting rid of ranchers all along the west if you look at the map it is gigantic china will own most of it
Your damned right I am!!! To all fo the above….and yes my party has had to learn to fight fire with fire so if you call us evil we wear that as a badge of honor…WE ARE A NEW BREED OF PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL DEMOCRATES AND WE WILL NOT REST UNTIL WE DEFEAT EACH AND EVEFRY ONE OF YOU TRAITORS WALTER…SO YOU BETCHA I’LL BE THEIR MOUTHPIECE..YOU THINK YOUR OFFENDING ME…YOUR ONLY EMBOLDEN ME AND I KNOW I’VE STUCK A VERY SENSITIVE TRUTH NERVE….SO I’LL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO CONTINUE VONITTING ALL OVER THIS TRASH WEBSITE JUST TO MAKE ALLOF YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY…I WELCOME YOUR SARCASIM AND NAME CALLING…THEN I HAVE DONE MY JOB!!!!!!! Maybe I owe you an apology Walter….your really rather …emotional….aren’t you????? There’s medication for that you know…and guess what its all available under guess what….drum roll….OBAMACARE!!!!!!!
Why are you yelling mad eline?