The Bundy Ranch siege by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is just one of many actions by the agency, which seems to seek control over large portions of private and state lands all over the country. A rancher in Texas is being told that his land, on the border between Texas and Oklahoma, 130 acres which has been in his family for nearly 100 years, has been taken from him, despite all the taxes and fees he’s paid over the years.
The BLM now claims authority over his land, but nobody can give him any idea why.
Is this another Bundy Ranch situation brewing?
Watch below and be sure to share this developing story with friends and help expose these BLM tactics.
Source: On The Record
Photo: RedFlagNews
not gonna happen ……Lt. Gov going filing lawsuit ………b l m suxs …
Time to get rid of the BLM,
Is it gonna’ come down to a land grab ? I don’t think Texas will let it happen. It may wind up DPS. Texas Rangers, and County Sheriffs against the Feds. Don’t expect iot to end as easily as Bundy’s ordeal.
why are they getting by with this c**p………..? They are getting to big for their bitches ………..unreal ………what they can get bye with this it? Why?
Texas will not stand for this. Yes, someone if not many will get killed if the Fed’s keep this up. It will be on Obama’s watch and come election day the people will have their say.
Defund or restrict their size and use the Sheriffs to restrict the BLM.
The Federal government should have taken their land back 20 years ago when this worthless moocher refused to pay his grazing fees…he’s a traitor tothis great countrya nd all of the loons who stand with this traitor…and i hope they give the land back to the rightful owners…the Indians who they stole it from…yes and this is coming from a very PROUD BLEEDING HEART KICK ASS And take names liberal democrat…deal with it….or leave the country…this is A LIBERAL NATION!!!!!
Hey Madeline Have you noticed you are only one in a thousand or more on here that is espousing nothing but putrid vomit. Why don’t you sit the eff down and shut the eff up! Your just talkin out your @$$!
Shut the hell up, you unamerican outfit!
Alaska is the last frontier and we stand ready to defend our land here just like any other state. We have so many public and federal employees it would make your head spin. If you are for big government then take a look at all the waste that I see every time that I drive down the road. 1 out of 3 vehicles that I see are federal 6 pack pick-ups with just 1 driver. That is waste at the worst level. This land is your land this land is my land. I own my land and I vote. I believe that I don’t have to …deal with it…or leave the country that I was born in. I just have to vote and stand behind my vote. When I hear “If you like your insurance you can keep it”. Lies! This is not “A liberal Nation”. This is a free nation. If you don’t like it LEAVE>
time to arm your self’s people, this criminal government feels that it can do what ever it wants.
It was 140 acres that happened 30 or 40 yrs ago. They are now after 90,000 acres. Madeline you are stupid. This isn’t even the same case. You really should learn to read before you make anymore stupid comments.