The Bundy Ranch siege by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is just one of many actions by the agency, which seems to seek control over large portions of private and state lands all over the country. A rancher in Texas is being told that his land, on the border between Texas and Oklahoma, 130 acres which has been in his family for nearly 100 years, has been taken from him, despite all the taxes and fees he’s paid over the years.
The BLM now claims authority over his land, but nobody can give him any idea why.
Is this another Bundy Ranch situation brewing?
Watch below and be sure to share this developing story with friends and help expose these BLM tactics.
Source: On The Record
Photo: RedFlagNews
Just keeping it real folks!!!!!
“There are 7.5 million people across the country that have the security of health insurance, most of them for the very first time.” —President Obama:
Photo: “There are 7.5 million people across the country that have the security of health insurance, most of them for the very first time.” —President Obama:
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Julie Holmans Thank you for Obama Care….beats the heck out of the “Republicans don’t Care”
9 hours ago · Like · 1
Terry Wisdom Obamacare is the biggest fraud ever committed on America….PERIOD!
5 hours ago · Like
Madeline Pelland
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The White House
April 11
Yesterday, the House GOP passed a budget that:
✄’s vital programs
✄’s taxes for millionaires
↑ taxes for middle-class families
#HouseOfCuts →
Photo: Yesterday, the House GOP passed a budget that: ✄’s vital programs ✄’s taxes for millionaires ↑ taxes for middle-class families #HouseOfCuts →
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Robert De La Rosa Find me a Ryan budget that doesn’t have ridiculous cuts.
4 hours ago · Like
Sayed Atalla
ه1ه هى الشفافية ميزانية البيت الابيض لعام 2015 للمناقشة مع المواطن الامريكى انها ليست رقما واحدة كما يحدث فى مصر
2 hours ago · Like
Madeline Pelland
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The White House
April 10
“With enough effort, and enough empathy, and enough perseverance, and enough courage, people who love their country can change it.” —President Obama on LBJ’s legacy and the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act:
Photo: “With enough effort, and enough empathy, and enough perseverance, and enough courage, people who love their country can change it.” —President Obama on LBJ’s legacy and the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act:
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Thomas Michael Troyer As mid-terms draw closer remember to not vote for any candidate that supports Obamacare now or ever. I work with business owners daily and I hear all about how they are wanting and needing to hire more people, but the costs and regulations of Obamacare are preventing them from doing so. We need to repeal Obamacare so not only Michigan but our country can start hiring more workers again.
12 hours ago · Like · 2
Kachina Lively Dear Sir, you have had plenty of time to help heal and rebuild America but your focus was on the Middle East and Foreign Affairs more than US. You and your family have benefited greatly while the rest of US struggle to survive the high cost of living, …See More
11 hours ago · Like
Madeline Pelland
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Hey Madeline, can you grasp the fact that Obama complained about many problems to get elected, and then he himself made the problems worse after he got elected.
time to shoot these $#%&!@*ing socialist and re boot our country jobs and our rights enough is enough
This has to stop. These agencies re getting out of hand. If congress won’t stop this BS then the People have to. No more BLM, no more Dept od Education, no more IRS, no more EPA and bunches more of these initial agencies that do nothing but harass citizens.
It’s about water !! if you have water on your land they say it is there’s no if and’s or buts about it. The almighty government has claimed they owns the rain that falls on your house ! wait and see the government will start billing you for the rain you get!!!!
Time to rise!
Civil war is coming
big gov. out of control
Communism at work