The Bundy Ranch siege by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is just one of many actions by the agency, which seems to seek control over large portions of private and state lands all over the country. A rancher in Texas is being told that his land, on the border between Texas and Oklahoma, 130 acres which has been in his family for nearly 100 years, has been taken from him, despite all the taxes and fees he’s paid over the years.
The BLM now claims authority over his land, but nobody can give him any idea why.
Is this another Bundy Ranch situation brewing?
Watch below and be sure to share this developing story with friends and help expose these BLM tactics.
Source: On The Record
Photo: RedFlagNews
may just let them slide something like this through. when it is time for them to pay there shall not be a glimmer of mercy in me.
That’s so typical of a very insecure man Jeremy…your so transparent in your fears you project out…you can only handle a doormat or someone who doesn’t threaten your shortcomings….and yes if I were gay I Rachel would be the first person I would love to see…but I happen to like strong men…not the sort of fearful a nd scared bunch that are on this posting…I have not seen such a bunch of wussies in one place in my life…birds of a feather I guess…your all rather emotional..its rather amusing…boring but amusing nonetheless…
Oh and more thing…REAL MEN don’t go around wearing earrings and have holes in their ears…just sayin…HA!!
Hey sugarcreek…yes I can think for myself and am not buying all of your fear and bull$#%&!@* and whats more you all can’t handle that someone is daring to call you all on your c**p…AND thanks to President Barack Hussein Obama, thank God, while he is still President,THIS IS STILL A FREE COUNTRY AND I CAN SAY WHATEVER I DAMN WELL PLEASE…thank you very much…and if you can’t handle it well thats your problem…and if voicing my opinion with the facts is putrid vomit to you…then have you ever heard of projectile vomiting??? well then hold onto your hat or ass or whatever…wait and see what else I have to say…if you can’t stand the heat int he kitchen…get the hell out!!!!!
Makes me think about Texas seceding from the union and the feds want a strong hold in there.
The BLM are cowards and if they start it they will all never leave Texas. Why don’t they get a real job?
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Photo: (M) Some of the many reasons to be glad you’re a liberal…
CHarles….you must be confusing the great Dr Maddox with one of your cow relatives….
Actually thats an insult to cows….