The Bundy Ranch siege by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is just one of many actions by the agency, which seems to seek control over large portions of private and state lands all over the country. A rancher in Texas is being told that his land, on the border between Texas and Oklahoma, 130 acres which has been in his family for nearly 100 years, has been taken from him, despite all the taxes and fees he’s paid over the years.
The BLM now claims authority over his land, but nobody can give him any idea why.
Is this another Bundy Ranch situation brewing?
Watch below and be sure to share this developing story with friends and help expose these BLM tactics.
Source: On The Record
Photo: RedFlagNews
Abolish Obama ‘ s commie BLM.
Just imagine, a republican administration in office today. Cliven Bundy would have all of his cattle confiscated. The militia is very fortunate that we have a democratic administration in office…….The very people the militia is in support of are the very same people who massacred the Weaver family at Ruby Ridge in 1992…..
And its funny how Joe Biden, went to Ukraine and spoke. Saying that its not ok for a country to go to another country and “land grab” yet our own government is doing it right here at home. So sad the direction this government has taken this country.
Is this why you and the rest of our “representatives” are taking no action against the BLM as they pilfer private lands of Texans
Is Old harry “roid” attempting to sell Texas property to the Chinese?
Reid and his son are set to get a vast amount of money from the Chinese if they can steal enough land owned legally by Americans and sell it to them or whatever their plans are to profit from this thievery. It is a shame they will probably get away with it,too.
I love it when I wake up in the morning and Barack Obama is President. shared a link.
about an hour ago…….
wo shut down BLM
Don’t mess with Texas.
This government is out of control!!