The Bundy Ranch siege by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is just one of many actions by the agency, which seems to seek control over large portions of private and state lands all over the country. A rancher in Texas is being told that his land, on the border between Texas and Oklahoma, 130 acres which has been in his family for nearly 100 years, has been taken from him, despite all the taxes and fees he’s paid over the years.
The BLM now claims authority over his land, but nobody can give him any idea why.
Is this another Bundy Ranch situation brewing?
Watch below and be sure to share this developing story with friends and help expose these BLM tactics.
Source: On The Record
Photo: RedFlagNews
Ummm now David I’m going to gooo realll slowww for you because it seems like you have a very hard time understanding things…now look back at the posts of your mindless lemmings…you say I have hate speech…ummm the above post by Martino just calle dme names and resorted to what all people who are insecure and sared do, they threaten and he said I should be lynched..ummm now thats pretty hated speech wouldn’t you say??? Then another one above said something about being shot….now if you can look back on my posts and I never threatened anyone with violence…if the truth is threatening to you well then you have vry serious issues…but I will say a few things to ALL OF YOU ON THIS POST..I don;t take kindly to threats like Martino just said and I’ve printed out and I have just forwarded on to Homeland Security and to my local police…I don’t appreicate being threatened with being lynched and someone should shoot me…so every one of you on this post site WILL be held accountable for the viciousness with with you have attacked me…and I will relish pressing charges against each and every one of you and then then when I am done with that I will sue you civilly which is my right and i will attach everything you may have so I hope you had your fun with your VITRIOLIC HATE AND WHAT YOU SAID SHOULD BE DONE TO ME. And I will follow my constitutional rights David and when I do you will wish you never ever messed with this liberal!!!!
hope ted cruz steps up
ANd Martino..YES I do have more balls than you and I don’t have to prove it like you do by killing poor defenseless deer just to make up for you ” SHORTCOMINGS” and insecurity….so yes your damn right I have balls and I’m not cowered by the likes of any of you on this post whatsever….
I said nothing wrong mad eline, no threats were made on my account. Last I checked I didn’t say I was gonna do anything. But u go be all u can be, bc unlike u, I know my rights.
Typical corruption that permeates from the White House all the way to the bottom and the total disregard for honest tax paying freedom loving American citizens
Should is a big word, kinda like “what if”…so sorry bud…case closed
To my point…I guess you just becasue you dont; like what someone may say it just rolls off you caustic tongue so easily that you don;t even think telling someone they should be lynched is not a threat….we shall see what authorites and Homeland Security thinks your intent was when you used the word lynch…you just showed your hand…
so not fair, for the ranchers to lose their land, that they busted their asses for.
Ummm Martino…this is from you to me…its above if you care to check it again…Martino Parente Mad eline, they should lynch u …… again I don;t take too kindly by you Martino saying I should be lynched….you take care now…
Fight them tooth and nail Texas! Remember the Alamo!