I know and you know that hypocrisy is the Left’s middle name and it’s abundantly clear each and every time they gleefully shed fake tears every time there is a White terror suspect who has done a terrible deed and many people are killed. We are treated to a barrage of calls for new gun control legislation at the weaker end of the spectrum and all-out gun confiscation at the radical Leftist end.
In the meantime, it is an undisputed fact that not a single gun-control measure (from the very weak to the radical Left) would have prevented any of these tragedies. Remember that even in countries where their legislation is some of the strongest against personal gun ownership (like Great Britain) these horrible mass shootings occur with regular frequency.
Knowing all of this, the Left has a somewhat different approach to the often-cited statistics that never quite support their point of view, but to which they will point when they wish for America to be gun-free. The newest approach is to explain that white people (yes, white people) are the reasons why these mass shootings occur!
Turn the page to read the opinions of a man completely deranged and obsessed with the idea that the only thing that would make this country great again were if all Whites were shipped out to an island and forgotten by the world!
You’re WHITE!!!! what a dipshit!
How about brown privilege, 10 arrest before any brown person does time.
It should be comforting I suppose to know intelligence is not needed to spew liberal racist thought.
This idiot doesn’t even know what color he is. Anyone to belive a word put of his mouth should be in a psychiatric hospital with this idiot
What a MOR·RON!!!
FUC k BLM. It is a terrorist group.
Another BLM idiot.
Inside sources within the FBI hostage rescue team that day are now revealing that they found Antifa propaganda littered throughout the hotel room, an unfortunate fact for Obama who was busted by congressional investigators several months ago for funding radical left-leaning groups. Obama’s Benghazi partner in crime, Hillary Clinton, has blood on her hands too, as she was busted for giving Antifa terrorists around $800,000, although liberal “fact checkers” like Snopes will try and deny this as the truth.
Media sheep
BLM is only concerned for themselves..nothing else matters…everything is about their race and oppression. tired of this. It is destroying the young people