The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) apparently can learn some lessons from the Bundys and other Nevada ranchers besides the obvious ones about American liberty. These gruesome photos show they also need to learn about courtesy, not to mention land management. Maybe the agency should’ve consulted the CIA to at least learn how to hide the bodies of their victims.
Will the EPA fine the BLM for improper disposal of livestock carcasses? Probably not. Chances are the agents responsible for the theft and illegal cattle massacre will receive a White House commendation.
New photos released by the Bundy family Sunday provided more evidence to the claim that the Bureau of Land Management was illegally killing and burying confiscated cattle.Posted to the official Bundy Ranch Facebook page, the gruesome image shows several dead cattle being removed from a makeshift grave discovered just this weekend.
“Digging up 1 of the HUGE holes where they threw the cows that they had ran to death or shot,” the picture’s description reads. “I feel that this NEEDS to be put out for the public to see.”
The picture backs up reports by several people including Nevada assemblywoman Michele Fiore, who commented on the BLM’s cattle graves last Tuesday.
“Near their compound, right off the highway, they were digging holes,” Fiore said. “They tried to bury some cows on the compound, but I guess they didn’t dig the hole deep enough, so they throw a cow in and they put dirt over him and you have cows’ legs sticking up out of the dirt.”
Fiore also displayed several photos on her Twitter account Sunday, labeling the incident the “BLM Massacre.”
Although the BLM’s court order only permitted the agency to seize Bundy’s cattle, federal agents have thus far already admitted to shooting and killing two prized bulls, claiming the animals were a “safety hazard.”
Video from the area also revealed holes in water tanks, a smashed tortoise burrow, as well as destroyed fences and water lines.
“They had total control of this land for one week, and look at the destruction they did in one week,” Corey Houston, family friend of Cliven Bundy, told Fox News last week. “Nowhere in the court order that I saw does it say that they can destroy infrastructure, destroy corrals, tanks … desert environment, shoot cattle.”
Separate images taken from an airplane also uncovered hundreds of cattle stuffed into small pens on a BLM compound, prompting the FAA to order a no-fly zone over the area.
Source: Infowars
Our so called government out of control.
Find out who was paid to do this an post the hell out them names an address let the world know who did this for MONEY they we’re cowboys that did this $#%&!@*ING around there own people for MONEY
them idiots way dont we do this to herry reid and obama that is what should happen
Our government at work, time to clean house People
horrible/ and unjust
Where is Obama and the CIA spreading violence today?
Elections are coming for each Senator and Representatives who gave us the stupid War on Terror and allow the CIA to use groups like the National Endowment for Democracy to fund Violence, Terrorism, and War all over the world.
One revolution for which the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and its allied operatives of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the George Soros Open Society Institute have become so infamous, went virtually unnoticed in the English language Western media. Welcome to Obama’s Ukraine.
In 2010, anti-Russian government provocateurs, financed by Western non-governmental organizations (NGOs), staged a number of protests featuring plastic blue buckets. The buckets were meant to symbolize the portable flashing blue lights, known in Russian as migalki, used atop many vehicles for Russian VIPs, including government officials and private businessmen.
The blue bucket protests were directly linked to the “pro-democracy” activities of USAID in Russia. American-backed provocateurs began placing blue buckets on top of their cars to mock the use of blue lights by officials. In response, three parties represented in the State Duma, United Russia, A Just Russia, and the Liberal Democratic Party, proposed a bill to crack down on the use of the blue buckets by protesters who were intent on causing traffic problems, sometimes resulting in vehicle accidents.
U.S. NGO support for the “blue bucket” revolution preceded by a year the nomination by President Barack Obama of anti-Russian activist Michael McFaul as the U.S. ambassador to Russia. McFaul began his tenure in Moscow by opening up the U.S. embassy to all sorts of anti-Russian political activists, provocateurs, and troublemakers.
These political provocateurs, which include People’s Freedom Party leader political blogger Aleksey Navalny, “Left Front” Sergey Udaltsov, chess celebrity Garry Kasparov, Russian “cover girl” Ksenia Sobchak, “Solidarity” co-leader Ilya Yashin, Boris Nemtsov, neo-fascist National Bolshevik Party leader Eduard Limonov, Yabloko Party leader Sergey Mitrokhin, and Lev Ponomarev were all well-schooled in the use of various devices and contrivances to gain media attention for their political causes and protests.
Street protests were used by Gene-Sharp-trained activists in a number of CIA- and Soros-advanced political operations.
The United States and the EU created the violence in the Ukraine, supported it, and financed it.
The Sanctions against Russia and the military build up by NATO and the United States are wrong.
Fire Barrack Obama and Joe Biden.
. Shut down the Bureau of Land Management and the IRS.
The delays in the Most Horrible parts of Obamacrap did not fix anything.
Quit spending trillions of dollars on the stupid War on Terror to murder civilians.
End the stupid Sanctions against Russia the violence in the Ukraine is because of the EU and the United States, just like the violence in Syria and the War on Terror and the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War.
Why did we accidentally invade Afghanistan when the 911 Terrorists were not from Afghanistan and their Leader was not in Afghanistan? Did it have something to do with the multi billion dollar Drug Industry in Afghanistan and the Largest Drug Cartel in the World, our CIA.
The CIA and NSA are like our Media and Obama, they have no credibility.
The Sanctions against Russia are Wrong. The build up of NATO and United States Military are Wrong.
No Incumbents.
They have not fired Obama and they gave us the stupid War on Terror, vote every one of our fat rich good for nothing Senators and Representatives in Washington, DC out.
Shut down the Bureau of Land Management and the IRS.
Fire Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, and Eric Holder.
I totally agree with you William~
Charge the officials at BLM with murder.