Black Lives Matter (BLM) advocates are delusional and naive. The see racism around every corner, they look for offense, and they think that justice will be established when all other races submit to black demands. The movement is headed up by young, inexperienced, entitled young blacks, many of whom embrace criminal role models and the thug lifestyle.
The tragedy is that other black citizens will believe the meme, and instead of recognizing that success will come from personal effort and diligence, will assume that it will be handed to them. And they will also be taught by the BLM crowd that there is no other way.
See demands and claims from BLM leader, page 2:
Get a job and earn your own money! I’ve been earning mine since I was 14! Grow up get a J O B !!!!!
What a hate baiting racist trash
You are so right. She did’t read the History books. And the Blacks were not the only slaves.Why do they have to keep bringing this up? It just makes it worst. I know there are a lot of race people out there, but to stand down and keep the sore from healing, its not working for any one.
This Witch needs to watch herself. its going to back fire.
I would say We The People have given up plenty and now it is time to take it back. By the way All Lives Matter not BLM.
You guy’s are really SICK
Why do the so called black people who are more white than black always call them selves black?
Shoot to kill!
All lives matter even yaws
Give,give,give me,Welfaire,Foodstamps,,Education,housing,.Work for it,stop being crybabys,and Racest,.