Black Lives Matter (BLM) advocates are delusional and naive. The see racism around every corner, they look for offense, and they think that justice will be established when all other races submit to black demands. The movement is headed up by young, inexperienced, entitled young blacks, many of whom embrace criminal role models and the thug lifestyle.
The tragedy is that other black citizens will believe the meme, and instead of recognizing that success will come from personal effort and diligence, will assume that it will be handed to them. And they will also be taught by the BLM crowd that there is no other way.
See demands and claims from BLM leader, page 2:
Listen to yourself lady! You have allowed your mind to be eaten up with hatred and you have drank of the koolaid of hatred so much that your mind is destroyed into backwards thinking. All lives really do matter! Race was in retreat at a good pace until it was stirred back up by the government to promote a political advantage! You are being fooled and used as a political strategy because they are manopolizing on the once beat down racism tragedy! STOP and read apposing views of this racism farce and maybe your blinders will be lifted off of your face! Whitey owes you nothing! Whitey today did not enslave you! You people white or black demand things that are NOT entitled to you! Give, give and give some more and it still will never be enough! By the way……Whitey was enslaved just as long if not longer than black people! Read your bible if you in fact own one. Stop being a reverse racist! The nation is sick and tired of your self destructing behavior! Love ya! Mean it!
your right. He had a dream and would roll over in his grave if he was alive to see this nonsense!
The truth is that racism is a state of mind and a choice! That’s the individuals fault! In comes in all colors! Shut up already!!! You are owed NOTHING! If you want it get your butt up and go out and get it with a work ethic and a good attitude! Free$#%&!@*is b******t!
You could give them everything they wanted and they still would not be happy …………….. not a slave left on the face of this earth and many AMERICANS gave plenty to free them. GO SUCK EGGS YOU GREEDY WORTHLESS UNFORGIVING ROBOT
if black lives matter, then why did the other thug with brown get killed during your riots. by sharpton friends.
give up giving to charities that help you people
Oh why don’t you shut your pie hole. You’re racist$#%&!@*!!!
go tell that to the White part of obama ….
nahhh–we’ll keep it all. including our guns. But good luck with your ..’movement’.
I guess we can’t vote for nobody according to her ben Carson would be the right one according to her beliefs