Black Lives Matter (BLM) advocates are delusional and naive. The see racism around every corner, they look for offense, and they think that justice will be established when all other races submit to black demands. The movement is headed up by young, inexperienced, entitled young blacks, many of whom embrace criminal role models and the thug lifestyle.
The tragedy is that other black citizens will believe the meme, and instead of recognizing that success will come from personal effort and diligence, will assume that it will be handed to them. And they will also be taught by the BLM crowd that there is no other way.
See demands and claims from BLM leader, page 2:
And there you have it, another Black Bigot, they come in all colors.
I am so tired of these complete ignorant dingbats!!
Black Lives$#%&!@*Matter!
Free lead for you and your mussie thugs ,come and get it , eat sh – t and bark at the MOON, u lazy F—ing hoe ,,
I won’t give up anything I earned by hard work and dedication to my family and friends, she take a long walk off a short pier
Stupid$#%&!@*ain’t even all black.
In every case, they were and still are their worst enemy
Listening to this b.s.!!
Racist you are. When you say that only black lives matterUOU are beeing a racist. It appears that for you black lives matter only when a black thug is killed by a white policeman, but I guess that to you black lives don’t matter when they are killed by another black. 93% of blaks murdered are murdere by another black either you are too stupid or you are a race baiter