BLM leaders are trying desperately to fight President Trump. They say that President Trump embodies everything evil and that he is “literally trying to kill our communities”.
The Los Angeles Times conducted an interview with BLM leader, Patrisse Cullors, an admitted Marxist, where they asked her why she thought it was okay to teach her children that it was okay to be violent and hurt people if they supported President Trump.
Her answer is shocking, sad, and puzzling. Cullors doesn’t believe that talking to people is a good way to understand where people are coming from or to find out if her racist perceptions of ALL white people are true.
Maybe that is why she thinks she is living on the 3rd Reich, that or she is mentally ill and the true danger to society. And keep in mind Cullors is the co-founder of BLM. But, she sure doesn’t seem very “tolerant”.
Turn the page to watch this interview for yourself and find out why Patrisse Cullors LITERALLY believes President Trump is personally trying to kill her and her family
Look at Chicago stupid they Breen killing one another way before Trump came into the picture
Sorry, Obama beat him to it!
No the Democrats have made the black communities dependent on the government and they like it like that and then the black on black crime is incredible Trump has had nothing to do with this and what you are seeing as you’re opening your eyes and refusing to see the truth
First of all blm doesn’t have the intelligence to discuss what is happening in their communities. They are nothing but soros thugs pushing his agenda.
Projects, really
Blm burn theirs
No the Democrats have done that, Detroit, Chicago, etc. Anywhere the Democrats run things there is no jobs, proverty, poor schools, high crime, etc.
You are doing that yourself
Get a job and behave no looting no burning no destroying no problem
Ignorance reigns supreme. ..that’s ok…violence will be met with more Incarceration and more dead unless they address and admit to their own as well killing them too….until then, I am not very sympathetic to their cause.