If you happen to believe that all lives matter, then you are racist. Marissa Jenae Johnson, co-founder of Black Lives Matter believes that “all lives matters” is a “new racial slur”.
The 24-year-old activist from Seattle believes that white Americans are responsible for creating the conditions which require such a phrase. Sadly, Johnson was allowed to grow up believing she was hated. She said, “Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you?” to Fox News national correspondent John Roberts.
Pulling out her victim card, she continued by saying she was literally “being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and a mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery.”
Only in America can she begin a movement like #BLM, be interviewed by the number one cable news station Fox News and make statements that she was forced into prison slavery.
Johnson’s hate for white America and belief that the whites must give up something for the blacks can be read on the next page.
You sanctimonist$#%&!@* we gave you free$#%&!@*over and over, and you want us to give up just exactly what!?
White folks gave up slaves many generations ago. Move along.
BLM..SCREW YOU..none of you were slaves and none of my ancestors were slave owners..my ancestors were slaves so maybe you should give it back to the Americans that care about their country and just go somewhere else….I STAND ..NOT KNEEL AND I WILL NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR MY BEING WHITE OR AN AMERICAN
You area domestic terrorist. Inciting violence is a crime
We did give up something the Manley lives that lost fighting for your freedom
I just want to say you are the kind of black people , MLK always tried to stay away from because you are a racist pig
Little lady us white folk sacrificed about half a million lives to free your people. What else should we give..
You win…….I will give up drinking
You go girl! And phuck is spelled wrong but I know you did that on purpose so let me help you get your point across. F**K YOU Marrissa Johnson. Everyone’s life matters so get one quick and quit being racist yourself!
We see how black lives really matter in the big cities . They kill each other daily. But if society tries to stop their killing we are bad.. If you want to stop hate stop burning, looting and mudering. Actions speak louder than words.