If you happen to believe that all lives matter, then you are racist. Marissa Jenae Johnson, co-founder of Black Lives Matter believes that “all lives matters” is a “new racial slur”.
The 24-year-old activist from Seattle believes that white Americans are responsible for creating the conditions which require such a phrase. Sadly, Johnson was allowed to grow up believing she was hated. She said, “Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you?” to Fox News national correspondent John Roberts.
Pulling out her victim card, she continued by saying she was literally “being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and a mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery.”
Only in America can she begin a movement like #BLM, be interviewed by the number one cable news station Fox News and make statements that she was forced into prison slavery.
Johnson’s hate for white America and belief that the whites must give up something for the blacks can be read on the next page.
i didnt have no slaves and you didnt pick no cotton
She’s a moron
work for what you want–it will not be handed to you. Whites don’t owe anyone a dam thing!! you want nice things –get off your lazy$#%&!@*and work for it!!
Whats true is ALL LIVES MATTER
Can’t fix stupid
We do not. Work and earn what you need to live on. You are not owed anything any more than I am owed any thing.
Give me a break.
What kind of a moron are you???
Why not go after all those black millionaire FOOTBALL players who got millions in BLACKMAIL money from the idiots that run the NFL .They are suppose to help the oppressed with all this money.
The OPPRESSED WILL NEVER SEE A DIME OF that money because their are idiots like you who have no respect for America. All you care about is blaming white Americans. Get a job. Work for your support.
No we don’t. That is a racist comment