If you happen to believe that all lives matter, then you are racist. Marissa Jenae Johnson, co-founder of Black Lives Matter believes that “all lives matters” is a “new racial slur”.
The 24-year-old activist from Seattle believes that white Americans are responsible for creating the conditions which require such a phrase. Sadly, Johnson was allowed to grow up believing she was hated. She said, “Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you?” to Fox News national correspondent John Roberts.
Pulling out her victim card, she continued by saying she was literally “being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and a mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery.”
Only in America can she begin a movement like #BLM, be interviewed by the number one cable news station Fox News and make statements that she was forced into prison slavery.
Johnson’s hate for white America and belief that the whites must give up something for the blacks can be read on the next page.
pha-que, libtard lady
Suck a$#%&!@*….
I’m STILL waiting for one greedy black to respond to the question what are they going to demand from their OWN fellow blacks back in Africa?? For a thousand years SLAVERY was common in Africa. BLACKS ran the SLAVE MARKETS that sold tens of thousands of blacks into SLAVERY worldwide. Black families and clans sold their own relatives. Black tribal chiefs selected their own people to be SOLD INTO SLAVERY. You lazy greedy blacks want some free money? START WITH YOUR OWN PEOPLE. Or can’t you face your own complicity in SLAVERY??
I’ve got a great idea. Get off your$#%&!@*and work for a living. This is what happens to alot of millennials. They see what others have earned and want the same. Go get a job, work for it and quit bitching.
White people owe you NOTHING ! A black man, a Muslim started slavery. You are nothing more than a self entitled, racist bigot. Get a life !!!
The only thing you get from this “White Folk” is English lessons..”White Folk”, “Gotta”, it’s a wonder to the rest of us how you made it this far in life..
So it’s racist now saying all lives matter, you are some ignorant people, you don’t want things to get worked out, you all love the division which is doing nothing for you.
All lives matter is not a racial slur. God created us all & he made us the color that he wanted us to be. White folks or no other race has to give up anything for another race. You are the one that is racist. Now go to work & earn your own way instead of making trouble for people of all races.
why don’t you get off your whiney$#%&!@*and gain something
Jesus died for EVERRYBODY!! To dispute his Gospel is blasphemy!!! All lives matter to Him!!!