Ever since unarmed black teenager Mike Brown was killed about a year ago, protests across the nation have come into being, creating the Black Lives Matter movement, which tried to dismantle the racism and white supremacy it saw in today’s society.
While many of its members do seem to be supporting a movement they think betters the world, there are those who use the movement to justify their ideas of deep racial hatred.
One of these people is a radio show hose known as “Sunshine” who has some rather extreme views when it comes to racism.
They are racist talking about killing white peoples white lives matter
Maybe they should go back to where their ancestors came from and swing from trees.
I hope you are doing what you can to make them see reality. Democrats have been the ones to blame for blacks and poor people being oppressed
Blacks are acting more like the savages from their ancestors.
Isn’t that the SAME as saying “all black people should go back to Africa?”
Try this in my neighborhood, you will be 6 feet under in no time
It only matters to race baiters for whites kil tem
Are these people human, she should go back to Africa & Keep “F” ing Monkeys
And the fine folks in the Dominican Republic have a standing army to do little more than keep Hatians out. I wonder why?