It could be that much of the furor over President Trump’s alleged connections to Russia and other non-events is being generated by Democrats and their allies in the press for purposes other than just attempting to take down the president. It is likely that they are running interference for their own malfeasance, real crimes that could land some of them in jail.
It certainly is not outside the realm of possibility. For one thing, investigations into Hillary’s corruption during her time as Secretary of State are not over, and if things turn ugly that could implicate others in the party. In addition, in what would be a strange twist, there is the possibility that it was the Democrats who were working with Russian interests during the election, although that remains to be proven.
An issue that has been dormant for a bit is the scandal where a group of IT specialists working for Democratic Congressmen engaged in gaining access to their computers, thereby benefiting from private and confidential materials. Now it would seem things go deeper than originally thought, implicating a number of such Democratic legislators in criminal activities themselves.
More on page two.
David Bonazza take off the tin foil hat and stay away from your mommies’ koolaid …
He seems to fit in!
Just because “everyone was doing it” doesn’t make it right. Also, the difference is Hillary sent “classified” information over her “private server”. Guess it wasn’t so “private” after all.
Putin- Trump 2016
Keep watching MSNBC and reading the New York Times. Clueless is an epidemic
Anything is better than watching the right wing Fox News or listening to hate radio.
Need to Lock zthem all up they are all Guilty of something.
That you are cluless thats what it tells me
Sherry Wilchester it tells me that you are clueless.
Norma Sadauskas your right so investigate everyone in Washington who has a private server and anyone with classified information laying around. You gotta give Trump credit he avoids all that by inviting our enemies into the Oval Office and giving it to em directly :^