Just another example of the media ignoring a story that does not fit their agenda. The extreme beating, stabbing and rape of a white woman by a black man, nothing to see here, just move along.
Reverse the races of the victim and the perpetrator and you’d see buses full of Black Lives Matter and their co-horts (the media) racing toward the scene in Willowbrook, Illinois.
Possibly another reason the media has ignored this story, is Obama’s overall plan to “diversify” wealthier neighborhoods.
Obama’s plan for neighborhoods next page
it is going to take personal recommendations from non blacks to save black lives after the Revival.
Ryan Michael Ryan Michael: The klan has “sponsored” nobody. It is not a recognized political organization, and no candidate has accepted any endor$#%&!@*t or “sponsorship” from the klan.
So let me ask you this Ryan. Michael Brown; attacked a officer and was shot and killed in defense, yet protesters and the Black Lives Matter propaganda machine still insist he was murdered. Even though the attorney generals office said it was in self defense. Where do you stand there?
Michael James Cates It made the papers in England.. And today’s republicans would call Lincoln a radical liberal. The republican party of Abe Lincoln does not exist anymore today So the KKK and the democrats are pretty much the same as the today’s RWN’s and the party of Lincoln. Don’t e
Paul Talipia you must be a fish for CNN!
White is the new black. Blacks and muslims can do as they wish and everyone feels sowwy for them. Bs, WAKE UP AMERICA!
How do you know she wasn’t raped because she was white???
All I have to say is that he better not come upon my porch. My buddy Smith will be with me.
Liberal media, when a black does anything wrong become blind and deaf !
It doesn’t fit the agenda of stirring up trouble in America so the left MSM chooses not to report it