Just another example of the media ignoring a story that does not fit their agenda. The extreme beating, stabbing and rape of a white woman by a black man, nothing to see here, just move along.
Reverse the races of the victim and the perpetrator and you’d see buses full of Black Lives Matter and their co-horts (the media) racing toward the scene in Willowbrook, Illinois.
Possibly another reason the media has ignored this story, is Obama’s overall plan to “diversify” wealthier neighborhoods.
Obama’s plan for neighborhoods next page
We have a bigot in the white house and all his stupid people around him that feel this doesn’t happen to white people …….we are a stupid nation we n eed to fire the all and rob them blind ……
cowards, God will punish them in his own time.
The fact is that when you try to diversify you just ruin neighborhoods. As soon as you put low income housing in a decent hardworking neighborhood those that qualify for said housing just brings all their issues with them. You take a quiet community and turn it into the hood overnight.
It starts with schools. Kids come in that have no discipline, they act as they always do. School goes downhill.
Then mom moves her $#%&!@*er boyfriend in with her and her kids. Next thing you know someone shoots up her house. Bullet strays and kills little Johnny while he’s sleeping in his bed in what was once a good neighborhood.
Next thing property values drop. And all those hardworking people sell their houses for less than what they paid. All of a sudden we are back to where we started.
Let’s re-think this strategy. I’m sure we can find a better option.
They have a argued that in lack on white wasn’t a hate crime.
Ryan, so I’m guessing your saying that the Nation of Islam and Farkhamm or whatever his name is didn’t say they needed a army of 10,000 to kill all whites. Or the new black panther party calling for the execution of white cops. I guess your liberal sites didn’t show those.
Why? …because obama protects his THUG brothers with media control & releasing them from prison …he with his pig wife & Sharpton …systematically have caused a race war …he is importing more of his s$#%&!@* muslim brothers …his personal army …them …with the thugs will …ARE & WILL be the enemy! Tik Tok …Tik Tok…it IS coming …regardless how blind & stupid folks are …it does not change this chain of events
Media coverage should be fair whatever the topic is.
All lives matter. It is racist to say only your race matters. Unless your black of co$#%&!@*. Then it’s racist to think that all lives matter.
Read this!