Just another example of the media ignoring a story that does not fit their agenda. The extreme beating, stabbing and rape of a white woman by a black man, nothing to see here, just move along.
Reverse the races of the victim and the perpetrator and you’d see buses full of Black Lives Matter and their co-horts (the media) racing toward the scene in Willowbrook, Illinois.
Possibly another reason the media has ignored this story, is Obama’s overall plan to “diversify” wealthier neighborhoods.
Obama’s plan for neighborhoods next page
They should all be ashamed of there selves for not reporting that there are a lot of blacks killing white people, but let a black person be killed by a white person and it’s all over the news. SHAME,SHAME ON YOU.
There was at one time FOX News that gave us news worth hearing. Then along came Trump and everything changed. Now I try to catch a word of non biased news but mostly I hear what one reporter believes or one news broadcaster wants me to hear. I believe news should be non biased and true, no matter the beliefs of the person telling it. I truely believe we have lost sight of the truth in politics and will never hear anything but one sided reporting.
The media is so liberal that they will say black is good white is bad–what ever they do. to us is all right
because. Some whites had slaves over a hundred years ago–they don’t know what slaves are–my father worked in the coal mines at 12 years of age–paid in script that was spent only in the over priced company store-Seven days a week–no welfare. or food stamps–tell me again how’s your ancestors make your life so hard—
Race baiting again?
You should be ashamed. ..
This is how you stay relevant?
omg im sooo sorry to heat that ill pray for you both
Time has come for Vigilante Justice to reappear as our legel system is trashed now and criminals like this need to be shot or hung like the Wild West Days
Filthy $#%&!@* and a POS liberal media.
Kill a nigge win a point.
so did he get caught and receive same treatment before his death?
teh democrat media are traitors to america