Just another example of the media ignoring a story that does not fit their agenda. The extreme beating, stabbing and rape of a white woman by a black man, nothing to see here, just move along.
Reverse the races of the victim and the perpetrator and you’d see buses full of Black Lives Matter and their co-horts (the media) racing toward the scene in Willowbrook, Illinois.
Possibly another reason the media has ignored this story, is Obama’s overall plan to “diversify” wealthier neighborhoods.
Obama’s plan for neighborhoods next page
Rucking Fubbish. All they think of is sex.
Then who owns the kkk crimes that have been plaguing blacks for more than 100 years?
The news media has always been bias in their reporting and reporting only what they can sensationalize or what fits their agenda – and folks, rather you believe it or not, their agenda is NOT the truth.
Why has the media become the enemy of the people??
White lives matter too, you racist pricks!
The rapist was black the girl was white. This is also a hate crime
they always ignore when it is black on white…. and that is a sad sad thing… we are all HUMAN and if Black Lives Matter so do White Lives… just sayin
Grow a pair, white people. Take back your dignity and the safety of your women, your children and your homes. Enough is enough.
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