Just another example of the media ignoring a story that does not fit their agenda. The extreme beating, stabbing and rape of a white woman by a black man, nothing to see here, just move along.
Reverse the races of the victim and the perpetrator and you’d see buses full of Black Lives Matter and their co-horts (the media) racing toward the scene in Willowbrook, Illinois.
Possibly another reason the media has ignored this story, is Obama’s overall plan to “diversify” wealthier neighborhoods.
Obama’s plan for neighborhoods next page
Black lives matters represents that most black murders, even at the hands of their own race, go either unsolved or unpunished. When a cop kills a black man, even with all evidence pointing to a corrupt cop, they get away. It is as if a black person’s death does not matter to our government, but if you are white, the police will use all resources to find the killer. That is what black lives matters represents.
As far as race and michael brown goes, the race doesn’t matter, it is all you are interested in to push your own agenda as even genetically, race is a man made issue. Michael brown? There are hundreds of michael browns every day. You can’t attack a teenager and when the teen reacts you use lethal force on a defenseless teen. The cop drove in reverse illegally almost hitting both teens, pushed the door into the teen and when the door flew back, he took it as an attack and pulled his weapon which the teen, as i would of, tried to push the weapon away as darren wilson was the obvious attacker. Lucky for him he used a false witness to get off….
Of course not! Not on agenda!
Too much white guilt syndrome for whites to become really outraged.
THis black on white crime, murders committed by illegal aliens, law enforcement murdered, Obama owns every one of these crimes! That will be his legacy because he has allowed these actions to happen. The violent protests, the treats from his friends ( Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Eric Holder) Obama owns all of that also. Gonna make his “transparent adminstration” so cloudy you can’t see any transparency. His legacy will come back and bite him in the butt!
Greg Burright Well said Greg !
This is ” democratic ” South africa
Ryan,what an uneducated idiot you are