Just another example of the media ignoring a story that does not fit their agenda. The extreme beating, stabbing and rape of a white woman by a black man, nothing to see here, just move along.
Reverse the races of the victim and the perpetrator and you’d see buses full of Black Lives Matter and their co-horts (the media) racing toward the scene in Willowbrook, Illinois.
Possibly another reason the media has ignored this story, is Obama’s overall plan to “diversify” wealthier neighborhoods.
Obama’s plan for neighborhoods next page
I was just reading about that…its beyond the mind how bad it is.hunted down like rabbits,skinned alive forced to eat their own flesh! beyond horror.
The last time I checked, 40 acres and a mule are still pending…..
Does it really matter what color these people first comes a death of a young lady> We need the death penalty
Because it’s all connected guy. Think a little bit. The kkk is obsolete. Here’s some interesting info, the black Panthers have recruited ten times more members in the last month then the Klan has in 10 years. The kkk picks republican presidents? Lmao. The kill is a democrat organization, Jim Crowe was authored by democrats. Hell, our democrat president has family that owned slaves here and in Africa. You think because poor people aren’t picking cotton they aren’t still slaves to the democrats? Heads up, the cotton fields are gone, the democrats don’t need money because they take it from business owners, instead of living in the masters house and eating his food, you get section 8 and a food card, they buy you for a vote. They push the same “your worthless” mind set on the poor that they did in the times of slavery.
Aside from that. The fact that many media outlets blow up every white on black crime, and ignore the opposite, would tell any intelligent person that an equal reaction would be met from the opposite side.
We out number and out gun them, time to lock and load America.
TIME for ropes and tree’s
In the new Obamerica blacks can do no crime that is newsworthy by the Obama media.
The news media are scared of blacks.
Back about a few decades ago it would have been on every news broadcast channel …..when will everyone realize all lives matter we all bleed red duh hello why is there still racisem why can’t we just. Leave the past where it needs to be almost all of us whom are still alive today did not have anything to do with what has happened but we can change our future together and stop all the hate what happened was and is wrong to many different cultures and so what we have different colors and different belief ” we can change by getting on with the future without hate !!!!
Ryan Michael You cannot be serious . I was raised in SA and there were no slaves anywhere. A lot of housemaids and gardeners were poorly paid but that was due to an over – supply of labor! If you were not willing to work for wharever the employer was willing to pay there were tens of others willing to take your place . A few million ( something like 4.5 m) white employers who provided jobs for 45 mil Africans . As soon as the gov had built enough houses and people were better off another few mil would stream down from the rest of poverty stricken Africa. The whole of Africa has not managed to pull itself up out of poverty . Only SA has given some hope of a better life to its people .