When Donald Trump cemented his role as the Republican frontrunner, his opponents claimed that Trump’s chances in the general election was the longest of long shots. Those accusations were at least partly backed up by data.
Donald Trump faired worse in hypothetical match-ups against Hillary Clinton than any of his serious contenders — with he possible exception of Jeb Bush.
But why?
Those very polls showed that Trump’s numbers among non-white minorities was absolutely dismal – no doubt a result of the media’s constant claims that Trump is anti-Mexican, anti-Black, and anti-Middle Eastern.
This Trump-is-a-racist narrative has been a common refrain among liberals and establishment conservatives alike, but while it’s cleat that this idea has been accepted as fact by huge swaths of the American population, it’s less clear what Donald Trump ever did to earn such an unflattering title.
Sure, many will point toward Donald Trump’s technically-true assertion that Mexican immigrants bring crime to the U.S., but what of the black vote? How did one comment against criminal aliens spread to fully envelop all ethnic minorities?
The answer likely stems more from his status as a conservative political outsider than his policy, as the establishment can’t stand the thought of a legitimate non-politician claim the top prize in politics. Well, regular folks are now catching on, and those personally close to Donald Trump are beginning to speak out against these unfair accusations.
Continue on to the next page to see one such individual — and African American Trump employee — speak out for the GOP nominee:
Help a Veteran and SHARE,, anyone feel like calling news stations to see if they want to cover a Veterans family being thrown out of their house ?? the number to Channel 2’s news desk is 314-213-7831 **** Channel 4’s news desk 314-621-4444 ***** Channel 5’s is 314-444-5195 Please call them if enough people do it might get a reaction tell of your outrage on how everyone out there has ignored our pleas for help.Please Everyone I need more phone calls to get our stuff back, need people that are willing to complain how illegal it is and how outraged they are over this theft of my belongings. think of how it would feel to loose all family photo’s,, everything you were going to pass down to your only child, all your personal stuff. Having some$#%&!@*whipe go through it all, stealing what they want, destroying what they don’t. losing all you appliances every piece of furniture all your tools, all your memories !! You have lost everything you owned. Please call these offices. IL attorney General, IL states attorney, Macoupin County Courthouse Head Judge. and you senators and congressmen PLEASE ! Also call Dan Beiser, 618-465-5900 from Alton IL. He is usually Pro Military. TY
I am going to ask people out there to do one last try at these calls. But I need info back. Can you all make calls again to the News Channels and the Reps and courts etc. and keep a record of when and who you talked to and how many times you called so I can keep some sort of record. I could sure use the feedback on this, it’s all becoming to depressing any more. Thank You All,,, CHECK MY WALL !!
David is a racist hateful pig. Go back to Mexico wetback
His racist comments.
Marvin Wolf you have to have a brain to start with
Look everyone a racist Mexican
David’s a racist.
David would vote racism 2016 if he could.
Is it Aaron Guy Aaron GAY.!!! Aaron GAY guy! !!!Trump gave HILLARY the victory! !! Gave over!!!!!TRUMPS wife is an illegal who can’t speak English! !! I hate uneducated people! !!! HILLARY is leading trump by digits! !!!!HILLARY 2016-2014!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMERICA WANTS TRUMP…..Made America Great Again.
Wow very moving young lady thank you, yes I feel he is all the things you said, you are so lucky to work and be with the trump family, God Bless you from a Veteran