A Long Island high school teacher was threatened with sexual assault by a student. She now claims in a new lawsuit that she was retaliated against by school officials in Hempstead for reporting the vile threat to authorities.
Lynne Albuquerque, a science teacher, alleged the backlash was racially motivated because she is white.
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student should be arrested and jailed and district sued
My Great Grandmother was Cherokee. Has zero to do with c**p going on today.
Hell maybe oboma will have over for diner. That could have been his son
Same tgings happens in S. Africa. A black can do as he pleases. If you speak up, you’re racist. Black honestly belief they cannot be racist!
Time to go out west teacher !
If it was a white student said that to a black teacher he would be kicked out of school and jailed and it would be national news. But it’s ok because it’s a black kid and the teacher was white. . Sarcasm.
That’s life in Omerika.
Sadly it Sounds like another good old fashion law suit situation
The tax payers will take another hit to calm the PC masses