In a profanity-filled tweet, Vinita Hegwood, who teaches English at Duncanville High School in a Dallas suburb, stated:
“Who the [expletive] made you dumb duck a– crackers think I give a squat [expletive] about your opinions about my opinions RE: Ferguson?”
She then made a suggestion: “Kill yourselves.”
Let’s not be stupid enough to fall for all this divide-and-conquer, race-baiting propaganda perpetrated by our government and the elite-controlled mass media like this ignorant teacher. Communists are the actual enemy.
The school district confirmed it was aware of the tweet in a statement late Sunday:
“As an individual, Ms. Vinita Hegwood expressed an opinion on social media that is solely her own. She used her personal social media account to make remarks that are offensive. While everyone has the right to free speech, as a teacher in the district, we believe the comments that are alleged to be made by Ms. Hegwood are absolutely reprehensible and we do not condone it.”
Hegwood met with the school’s principal, the director of human resources and the district’s superintendent on Monday morning to discuss the online posting, reports KDFW-TV. After promising “swift action” the district announced her suspension:
“The district wants the community to know that the actions of this one individual does not and should not represent the school district. Every day, two hundred and forty Duncanville High School teachers provide a school environment that fosters academic excellence, good citizenship and respect for others. Teachers give their life’s work to shaping the future, and this one individual does not represent our staff or our district.”
“I can’t say it emphatically enough, the nature of the comments are reprehensible, and this district is about inclusion. It’s about diversity. It’s about respect for all people,” school official Lari Barager told the TV station.
Records show Hegwood has worked for the district for two years and has been an educator in Texas for 19 years.
She can first
What a pathetic excuse for a Teacher. A disgrace to the teaching profession.
I think she has the stupidity virus. It’s everywhere, even Texas!
SHE is the enemy, and speaks for all the rest. I used to teach thereabouts.
Worshipping the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, is killing us. We must turn again to the God that we forgot, and worship Him, and worship these others no more. If we wish to survive. And God DEMANDS that we do so.
The devil told a lie, and said there are no differences among the races, or between men and women, and that animals have rights equivalent to humans. He decreed that the contention for difference, and inherent superiority, is disallowed.
In agreement with his decree, that the contention of difference and inherent supereriority is disallowed, the devil pronounced that man is not superior to Creation, but inferior, and that his life is less valuable than Creation, and that population must be controlled for the sake of Creation. He pronounced that God did not create, and does not maintain the world, and that God does not even exist.
The decrees and pronouncements of the devil are lies and continually contradict the word of God which is the truth.
And since white people would be Racist if they would not reject superiority, the devil broadened the definition of Racism and said that they would also be racist if they would not accept the mutually exclusive category, inferiority, and that white people must be subservient, and that they owed, and must pay, and that we should denigrate ourselves, and our country, and our God, and that we should blame ourselves, and America, and our God.
And so we have the Non-Scriptural Decree of the New Order, The Decree, the devil’s lie, the mantra of all the Godless horde (those apart from God), and the devil’ stronghold in the minds of white people after indoctrination, that
“You owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.”
It is the mantra of all the Godless horde, and is printed EXACTLY on the signs of the Mexican invaders. The term “Racism,” as applied, is not a matter of sentiment but instead a failure to pay what is owed. “You do not like me because I am black” is not a value judgement about fondness. The phrase is, rather, and accusation of failure to pay the “like” that is OWED. The Godless horde, and the devil, himself, contend that white people owe, according to the devil’s decree. According to The Decree, “like,” “love,” “approval,” whatever is demanded, is not given but is OWED. It is slavery. And it is worship. According to The Decree, which IS the mantra of all the Godless horde, the devil has broadened the definition of Racism such that it is defined as the failure of white people to pay. And ask The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, if any can be racist other than white people. Ask Oprah, too.
Anyone white, who will not accept The Decree, who does not agree that he owes and must pay, will be deemed racist.
But it is not specified what is owed, or for how long, and he who accepts The Decree owes anything and everything, forever, whatever is demanded (including his right to speak and his right to criticize), and he owes loves, likes, approval, Great Consideration and Solicitation of the will and wishes and feelings of the Godless horde and the devil, himself, and praise, and tithes, and worship, and his country, his life, and his soul. Anything and everything demanded, forever, dependent only on what the Godless horde and the devil wishes to charge. And nothing is owed in return. And the debt can never be settled. Even in hell. And you can ask the man-in-the-street if REPARATIONS will end the debt. Ask Harry Reid about the “Redskins,” and if we will not soon be asked to pay the Cleveland “Indians,” or the Dallas “Cowboys.” The debt never ends and will not end in hell.
The Race Card, the accusation of racism, is always played to demand payment. When the Race Card is presented, he who accepts The Decree, so he will not be deemed racist, MUST pay, for according to The Decree “you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.” The Race Card, the accusation of racism is the magick talisman that is focused and shined on The Decree, the devil’s stronghold in the minds of white people. The Race Card is The Card the Godless horde does not leave home without. Continuously played because it is good for anything and everything, forever. Ask Obama about it.
If the devil is able to convince you that you owe him, and must pay him, he can make you worship him. And he can take your country, and your life, and your soul.
But Jesus paid the price so that we owe no man or god. He owed no man or god, and would not pay his right to speak. And you can ask the Pharisees, or Herod, or Pilot about it. Ask the devil if he could be bought.
And our jealous God did not create us debtors to the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, owing to them what God requires for Himself. God says “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”
God says we do not owe. God says we will not pay. God says we will listen to no argument such that we would disregard Him, or His word, or His commandments, including the Race Card, or The Decree, and you can consult the word of God and ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, if anything bad will happen if you do so. God says you can go to hell, if you do so, and that those you pay can go to hell with you.
And Obama is wishing for a set of laws, only for whites, in Hawaii. And here we have punishments, only for whites. And the devil wishes to rise above God to be worshipped as God, and finds the Israelis, and the Middle-Eastern Christians, and America, and Texas to be in the way. He wants to destroy us, and in particular he wishes to destroy the white race in America. As Obama chuckles at the Knockout Games, in America and the Middle East, and enforces his one-sided hate laws. And as the white liberals, those who have rejected the word of God, furiously play their Race Cards at anyone who would show one shred of self esteem, or even stand for his own life, or criticize Obama, or even speak of the matter, even as Obama stands against God’s Chosen People, and is cursed by God, Himself.
And as the Duncanville Teacher of the Year speaks the sentiment of all the Godless horde, and says you must be silent about the Ferguson rioters, and that you can only praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all. But as she tells you to kill yourself, O’ Great-American, Whore, White, Sheople Christians, you will not criticize Obama, he who is cursed by God, or even speak of the matter, lest you be accused of racism by the Godless horde, the white liberals and those who receive? You will not criticize, or even speak of, he who is cursed by God? Owing and paying your right to speak? And you can ask the lover of money, the traitor, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, as he stands with his new, Muslim allies, and against us, and America, and God, but he will tell you what you are allowed to say, and that you do not have the right to speak of the matter, or about Obama, for it is racism that you would do so, playing his Race Card, his accusation of racism, and expecting to be paid. With silence. As the white liberals agree, and play their Race Cards, their accusations of racism, and hiss and scream at any who even mention the matter. The ACLU, for example, who says that Christians are their enemy. And Christians ARE the enemy of the New World Order that the ACLU wishes to help establish. But the crux of the matter is easily seen: The ACLU says that Christians owe and must pay. Their right to speak, and their country, and live, and souls. God says Christians do NOT owe and will NOT pay.
O’ Great-American, Whore, White, Sheople Christians, do you contend that you serve our God, or do you admit that you whore after, and serve the gods of Racism and the New World Order who are the devil, himself? Owing and paying and worshippng them.
God DEMANDS that we will survive, and so the parents will tell the school on behalf of their kids, and we will tell Obama, and the Duncanville Teacher of the Year, and the white liberals, and all the rest of the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, this:
Hate crime
People must cut off hate, don’t helps at all.
She should be fired If my kids went to that school I would demand it
Parents should pull their children out of her class!
No wonder the kids today dislike school with teachers like this there are a lot of bad teachers today
Thank goodness this t**t has been suspended without pay!