We are made to believe, by the liberal politicalĀ parties, that there is discrimination still lingering and if the people intend to stop it, they must get behind the democratic candidates. This is by far a great strategy for pulling in more votes out of the minority population. The backlash is causing too many cries for help for those who have not been a victim of a hate crime and ignoring the instances with real victims involved.
There have been several false reports of hate crimes making waves throughout the country. It spans the grand spectrum of discriminated groups all throughout society but seems to have held the most weight within the Black Lives Matter movement. Three SUNY, Albany students made false claims of discrimination and have since been expelled from school.
Most police involved shootings are being pegged as hate crimes as well. Now, a whole new drama emerges out of the movement, in Iowa City. To hear what the accuser had to say happenedĀ and the accounts of what actually took place, continue on to the next page.
Typical !!!!!
Blm not being truthful. …who would have guessed
Typical negroid..This word negroid is in the dictionary.
If black lives matter, why don’t they do more about the black on black violence? There’s more of that than any other kind!!!
You want the answer to “RACIAL PROFILING”? Read it and then, Thank your Government. Whites are killed by Blacks at a rate of 18 X 1 over Blacks killed by whites. They kill THEMSELVES at a rate that is OFF THE CHARTS. A Black female is 20 x more likely to be raped by a Black male, 7 X more like to be assaulted by a Black person, 40 X more likely to be murdered by a Black person if you are black and 120 X MORE LIKELY to be ROBBED by a Black person. GET THE PICTURE?? IF you ARE profiled, IT IS justified by Your own actions. 75% of VIOLENT crimes on whites are committed by BLACKS.. LET THAT SINK IN.. Blacks are only 13% of the population, whites are WELL OVER 60% .. YOU do the math and see who the REAL devil is by race.. ON TOP OF THAT, 38% of the people in this nation on Welfare are black / 39% white, yet blacks comprise only 13% of the population. GETS EVEN BETTER. Whites pay 83% of the FEDERAL INCOME TAX that goes to support welfare while blacks only pay 7%. White America, WE are the new slave.. Heck WE are being raped, robbed, AND MURDERED while these people sit at home make babies off Tax Payers money.. Then they have the NERVE TO talk about how they HATE the white man? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
Typical of the welfare dwellers
Evil thug coward bullies!
And that’s why it continues
Obamas civilian army……
If obama only had a son