In a scene reminiscent of the turbulent 1960’s, a black student group at the University of California Santa Cruz successfully occupied the main campus building until its demands were met by the school administration.
The African/Black Student Alliance updated its approach, calling the building takeover a “reclamation,” and issuing demands for immediate response while threatening additional demands.
For three days the group occupied Kerr Hall until Chancellor George Blumenthal agreed to their demands. As a result, all black and Caribbean-identified students now have a four-year housing guarantee to live in the Rosa Parks African American Themed House. The building’s lounge will be reopened, the exterior will be painted in “Pan-Afrikan” colors of red, green and black, and all UC Santa Cruz incoming students will be forced to undergo mandatory diversity competency training.
Find out what further demands the group has and the university’s rationale for giving in on the next page.
‘Scuse me……are we in South Africa???
If you knew anything about history you idiot,you would know they did.
I hope federal funding is stopped to the schools that are bowing to racist demands.
Send all these black groups to Africa
Isn’t blackmail a crime.
Let’s demand to end racism. What’s next? Let’s bring back the back of the bus. Black and white people gave their lives to end segregation. Now you demand it back? Higher Education is corrupted and needs to be brought back to education instead of indoctrination
People who can’t express there thoughts with out memes are generally idiots full of$#%&!@* Nobody owes you$#%&!@*and$#%&!@*Allah too!
Where is SWAT ? Get em out of there the hard way if necessary!
Send in the police and do what needs to be done. Kick these idiots out of the buildings and send their whining butts home.