Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson has some wise words for supporters of the liberal narrative that supports banning the Confederate flag. In a video he recorded to address the ridiculous knee-jerk response by Republicans to appease Liberal Democrats, the Reverend shows why this is just like supporting ISIS or other hate-fueled groups who start destroying religious and nationalistic symbols as soon as they invade.
Check out the Reverend’s well-spoken argument after the jump and see why he thinks Republicans should be ashamed!
read the history of the flag…’s not a slavery flag it was a battle flag…..the south didn’t fight just over slavery….read your history…some of the biggest slave owners were Black…the KKK have made it a bad flag too……I have mixed neices and nephews and am not a racists…..
Slaves were brought over on ships flying the American flag and 3 years after the war the north still owned slaves. All those moderate wealth to poor men that fought did not fight for some random rich Joe to own slaves . They fought for state rights and to keep the freedoms they fought for just 100 years prior . Collin Andrews … History is written by the winners and the winners aren’t gonna make themselves look bad .
they are c**p
LOL! You people SO want to believe a white-washed history!!! The civil war WAS all about states’ rights – to own slaves!
Neo-$#%&!@*s use that flag.
YEAH !!!!!!? He has enough guts to tell it like it is !!!!!!Destroy everything now and in the past !!!!! Just like Isis and Islam wants to do and make their own world !!!!!!!!!! Open your eyes people !!!!!
People seemed to forget that slaves were also owned by blacks. Who do you think helped round them up for whites.
Yes its that way
The haters have turned America into a Fascist crony capitalist state, worships satan.
Can I get an ,?