Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson has some wise words for supporters of the liberal narrative that supports banning the Confederate flag. In a video he recorded to address the ridiculous knee-jerk response by Republicans to appease Liberal Democrats, the Reverend shows why this is just like supporting ISIS or other hate-fueled groups who start destroying religious and nationalistic symbols as soon as they invade.
Check out the Reverend’s well-spoken argument after the jump and see why he thinks Republicans should be ashamed!
ALL because it’s so true ….
You are a good man Jesse Lee Peterson! I am proud to have gotten to meet you!
darn right they would
now this has different loyalty to different people which has been said since the civil war. Yes it was used as the North had the US flag. Now different people see it as heritage as the way it was for people in the South that grew in wealth and had people who accepted their lives as servants and their freedom was in death or successfully running away to freedom. Now the southern people just loved their $#%&!@* as many said in the 50’s as minorities were their children and they took care of their $#%&!@*. No one in the south felt it as racist but loved their $#%&!@*. Many even after the civil war who were free did not know what freedom was and like a child looked at their Master as the parent. Now as Gov. Wallace and even Senator Thurmond said the $#%&!@* would not be able to think or do for themselves when Kennedy spoke of civil rights. When I was seven I saw grown black people treated like a child and setting in the back of the bus was interesting. I did here the n word a lot as it was common during that time. Well in a way the civil rights bill was another bow to the South to have to give dignity to minorities it was as many said not what God wanted. Most of the action done to minorities, religion was used to justify it. Even Judges in the South would say God put whites superior to blacks and races don’t mix. In high school when we read the I wondered why Thomas Jefferson did not listen to God he had kids with Sally Hemmings. Then Jefferson Davis the President of the 11 Confederate States had a biracial wife Varina and they had 6 biracial kids. I could never understand how so much racism and hate but no problem having kids with women of color. So confusing.
Thank You Reverend I hope more people will see it for what it really is
Thank you Reverend.
now that isis is here we don’t have to compare everything we dislike to $#%&!@*s, now we can compare everything to isis while wishing we could pretend that we wanted an education,
Obama has transformed us. It seems hopeless– we are losing our once great nation to Socialism.. The Left will do anything to win. If the SCOTUS had ruled in favor of traditional federalism and state authority in state matters, the Left would have taken to the streets, attacked the court, screamed loudly and defied the law in anger. We don’t. We’ll complain but do nothing. They will cheat and lie, we won’t. They will intimidate. riot and destroy. They will use every weapon in their $#%&!@*nals; we won’t. They will slander; call us ugly names and play by the Rules for Radicals. They will unleash the IRS on us. They will come after our churches and have them closed. They will criminalize faith– and we will do nothing. Evangelicals, Pentecostals & observant Catholics will be stripped of their jobs and their civil rights.. Judicial tyranny will continue– and what will we do?. Elections no longer matter. It seems hopeless to see Socialism prevailing.
Yeah, but southern heritage included owning people as property. Slavery was a huge part of the south, and the government would not allow slavery, which is why the south seceded from the union. That being said, it makes slavery apart of this flag. The flag represents the south, and the south represented slavery, making the flag represent slavery…
It doesn’t take much thought to put 2 and 2 together… But clearly, common sense isn’t so common these days.