Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson has some wise words for supporters of the liberal narrative that supports banning the Confederate flag. In a video he recorded to address the ridiculous knee-jerk response by Republicans to appease Liberal Democrats, the Reverend shows why this is just like supporting ISIS or other hate-fueled groups who start destroying religious and nationalistic symbols as soon as they invade.
Check out the Reverend’s well-spoken argument after the jump and see why he thinks Republicans should be ashamed!
You mean it did stand for heritage. Now it stands for hate.
If they wanted it to still signify heritage they should have taken a different course of action in 1860.
I support the free speech of gun control activists by not wasting my ammo protecting them.
Spot on , Sir.
Liberals have turned America into a nation of a$$ kissers! It’s bad enough they have done it to the rest of the world.
really dumb
no they just honor there white grand daddies” n always will”