Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson has some wise words for supporters of the liberal narrative that supports banning the Confederate flag. In a video he recorded to address the ridiculous knee-jerk response by Republicans to appease Liberal Democrats, the Reverend shows why this is just like supporting ISIS or other hate-fueled groups who start destroying religious and nationalistic symbols as soon as they invade.
Check out the Reverend’s well-spoken argument after the jump and see why he thinks Republicans should be ashamed!
Sounds Like A Great AMERICAN
You people who want to ban the cofederate flag who say it is a race thing ! What about banning the flags of the countries we have fought in war who have killed thousands of Americans ????? The countries that threaten our country every day ??? Our government has initiated a racial act on an American history flag and all you jump on the band wagon ,,you want to ban flags that offend Americans ,, than ban the ones that are not of this country. the men and women of the south and north whom lived and died fighting for their freedom and what they believed in deserve to have history and their freedom here !!
Well said Reverend (Y) (Y)
I agree with him. I am ashamed of the republicans for going along with the democrats on those issues. They are destroying America and what it stands for. I worry for my kids having to grow up in America with the way things are going. Obama will have us like Natzi Germany. Obama is doing what $#%&!@* did and the American people are allowing it.
A gun in the hand is better than a cop on a phone
I agree
Absolutely. I have been screaming your statement for about 6 years now Jack Lynn. But I have one issue, I think they are being put in a corner and held ” hostage” by Obama not by the other party even in the case where they shut down the government. I believe he is behind the evil going on in our world today. Warning. I have been on this for a long time now be cautious, if he is who I think he is, he will try to destroy anyone who may come against him. I’m weathered. It’s personal.