Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson has some wise words for supporters of the liberal narrative that supports banning the Confederate flag. In a video he recorded to address the ridiculous knee-jerk response by Republicans to appease Liberal Democrats, the Reverend shows why this is just like supporting ISIS or other hate-fueled groups who start destroying religious and nationalistic symbols as soon as they invade.
Check out the Reverend’s well-spoken argument after the jump and see why he thinks Republicans should be ashamed!
TOO BAD///////////
Stands for heritage not for hate
Thats exactly RIGHT . they do now …. They have body guards .
If obama had the true conviction concerning gun control then he would ‘ GO FIRST’ as a leader would do .
Not happening.
Amen rev.
You realise Lincoln only wanted to preserve the Union, slavery was just a cause to get more followers…a cause to champion. That flag was carried into battle by few southern armies Tennessee was one, it was the people whom hated others whom took the flag & used it as a banner to rally their hate behind though it was not meant for such.
So in the ideal of Ronald Reagan “Hold the man for his crimes, not the a object.”
To much today we want to blame guns for shootings not the fact we have people with serious issues wandering around tormented an awaiting the moment they snap. Then as if we had no idea we want to blame blame object which saves just as many if not more lives without a shot even fired…it is simple ignorance.
No he is not, Chris was Quoted saying white people need to stop being the racist ones.
Ok i have a NEW HERO !!!
The Reverend is Sooooooo RIGHT !!!!
John Murdock you are in need of a good read in history because the south was freeing slaves before the North by years.
I think maybe you got some of that Yankee knowledge only, remember to try harder cause the Victor always writes history in their favor. Always read into both sides as the war was fought over simple economics an the southern states wanting to secede from Nation.
BTW your slaves came in with old Glory flying the pole not the Southern Cross.
Yes you are partially correct. However, Lincoln had to ” lie” before his court to conceal his true beliefs about slavery in which that he did not believe.
Absolutely do we have too many confused souls. The Fact remains that some of color just simply conform to the idea as in broken spiritedness, not acceptance.? Can’t you see this? It’s not the object I’m concerned about its the spirit of the broken and worn down with the sound of silence. It’s deafening. Go to YouTube search jamie Jo Haley, sound of silence ” and choose the one with the cross on the icon pic. Ty for your comment. I appreciate it.
Ain’t that the truth!